Purpose & Goal of CIMF
To maintain its leadership in the mining world, Canada requires the best educated workforce possible to develop new technologies and apply them in the most effective manner.
The Foundation’s objective is to contribute to educational activities. It fundraises to support education and training initiatives across the country, including, but not limited to:
- High-value scholarships that attract and support students at universities and technical schools;
- Field trips and events with world-renowned speakers, such as those featured in the CIM Distinguished Lecturers Program;
- Support for educational programs on mining in public schools, including CIM's Mining 4 Society (M4S), PDAC’s Mining Matters and the Mineral Resources Educational Program of B.C.;
- Support of initiatives that build awareness of the industry’s dedication to the environment and innovation;
- Support of site tours, lecture programs, continuing education and information seminars;
- Support of projects that conserve and promote the heritage of Canada’s mining industry, such as archives and mining museum programs.
On the 100th anniversary of CIM
In 1998, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, the Foundation established two scholarship programs financed by the following organizations:
- Caterpillar Inc. and its Canadian Dealers Scholarship for students in the field of mining engineering;
- The Scotiabank and Scotia Capital Markets Scholarship for students in the field of exploration and geology.
Thanks to a bequest from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foley, the Foundation established the Foley Scholarships for mining students at École Polytechnique de Montréal in 2000.
Most Recently
- In 2009, the Taking Flight Scholarships were created to encourage Aboriginal peoples, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit residing in Canada, to pursue a career in mining. Priority is given to students enrolled in high school, community college or trade school. Up to four scholarships are awarded annually to qualifying applicants.
- In 2010, it established the McIntosh Engineering Scholarship which annually provides five University Scholarships and three College Scholarships for students enrolled in mining programs. The CIMF accomplishes its mission thanks to the generosity of CIM members, especially life and corporate members. CIM branches and societies have also established scholarships which the Foundation administers and promotes.